Prevent And combaT domesTic violEnce against Roma women
PATTERN aims to contribute to the prevention and combatting of domestic violence against Roma women in Greece, Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Romania & the EU. By raising awareness within the Roma communities, informing women about their rights and the available support mechanisms and enabling professionals to respond efficiently to domestic violence, PATTERN will empower Roma women and enhance their integration and full participation in society.

Who will benefit?

Roma women

Roma intercultural mediators
and professionals working in community centers/local community services

Wider public
Roma organisations, relevant national and transnational institutions and stakeholders

Roma communities
Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre is a non profit organisation, based in Athens, Greece, with more than 40 years of experience in sustainable development, social growth, human rights’ protection, social inclusion and policy research. The organisation focuses on building people’s resilience, combatting inequalities and supporting inclusive and sustainable growth by developing and implementing a variety of innovative tools, programmes and policies. KMOP has established presence and partnerships at international level, working with major actors in both the public and private sector, as well as with civil society, to drive solution-oriented, knowledge-based interventions that are essential for fostering resilience. Alongside with direct provision of social services, KMOP’s expertise pertains to the design and implementation of impactful programmes in the areas of education, migration, human rights’ protection, employment, mental health and social economy. KMOP is the project coordinator of PATTERN. You can find more information on KMOP’s website.

CESIS – Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social (Centre for Studies for Social Intervention) is a non-governmental, independent organisation of researchers from a range of disciplinary backgrounds concerned to promote evidence-based, policy-relevant research at both national and European level. Founded in 1992, CESIS has defined the following main objectives: To contribute, through research, to the understanding of social reality, namely with regard to situations of impoverishment and social exclusion; To contribute towards the establishment and implementation of policies of human development and social promotion; To stimulate the participation of citizens in the processes of their development and social promotion; To promote training programmes with the goal of improving the capability for social intervention at various levels; To promote the dissemination of studies and/or innovative experiences in the area of social promotion. Among the areas of research and action-research that have secured a continuity of programmes and projects, the following are worth mentioning: Labour and employment; Working conditions; Social dialogue and industrial relations; Poverty and social inclusion; Ageing and older people; Mobility and migration; Ethnic/cultural minorities; Homeless people; Gender equality; Time use and work life balance; Gender-based violence and domestic violence; Children and youth; Human rights; Social policies and social protection. You can find more information on CESIS’s website.

Policy Center for Roma and Minorities (PCRM) is a non-governmental, non-profit, think-tank organization founded in May 2008 in Romania, which acts towards solving social inclusion related issues of Roma and other ethnical minorities. The organization mission is to empower Roma and other ethnic minorities so that they become active citizens of the society they live and to stimulate the majority to actively participate in the social inclusion process.

Kamira is a National Federation is composed by 26 Roma women’s associations, based in Córdoba, Spain and with presence in many cities in the country. This non-governmental organization has been working since 1999 to improve the situation of Roma women in our society, through the areas of gender equity, education, social insertion, employment and self-employment and communication technologies. Kamira places a special emphasis on the issue of discrimination by promoting the principle of equal treatment of people regardless of their racial or ethnic origin in Spain. Kamira is a project partner of PATTERN. You can find more information on Kamira website.

Currently Amalipe runs 12 projects within the sectors of: education, health care, social services and advocacy. Financed by the European Commission, Open Society Institute, Roma Education Fund, Bulgarian Ministry of Health.
Amalipe works with a network of 250 schools all over the country. The objective is to decrease the dropout rate of the Roma population, introduce intercultural education, promote life-long learning in the Roma community and raise the educational status of Roma. Essential part of this work is by empowering Roma parents to take part in the school life of their children and converting the school into a center of the community.
In order to foster the self-organization of the Roma community, Amalipe has established 11 Roma Community Support Centers in the six regions of Bulgaria. Everyone of these centers operate with a network of three to six local community groups.
In addition, Amalipe cooperates with grass-root Roma organizations all over the country to organize advocacy campaigns and Roma integration activities in different fields such as: education, health care, social services, etc.